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by Jörg Wichmann:

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Wondrous Order, Michal Yakir
Narayana  Publ.
all relevant Homeopathy books


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The list is ordered after the latin names. You can see the source of the provings by clicking on the button in the column “provings”. If this says “LINK” or “PDF”, the proving is available as a file and can be read directly – either on a different website (link) or on this one (pdf). If it says “BOOK”, the proving is not available as a file but only as a book and the exact literary source is given.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Warburgia salutaris
Pepper-bark tree
Warb-s Canellaceae
Proving as PDF

Watsonia pillansii
Bugle lily
Wats-p Iridaceae
Proving as book

Proving qjure.com

Weilbach Aqua
Aq-weil Aquae mineraliae
Proving as external link

Proving as PDF

Welwitschia mirabilis
Welw-m Welwitschiaceae
Proving as book

Proving as book

Proving as PDF

Wiesbaden Aqua
Spring near Wiesbaden in Germany
Wies Aquae mineraliae
Proving as external link

Proving as PDF

Proving as PDF

Wildbad Aqua
Springs at Wildbad in Wurtemberg, Germany
Wild Aquae mineraliae
Proving as external link

Proving as PDF

Proving as PDF

Wisteria sinensis
Chinese wisteria
Wist-s Leguminosae/ Fabaceae/ Papilionaceae
Proving as PDF

Withania somnifera
Indian ginseng
With-s Solanaceae
Proving as book

Proving as book

Proving as external link

Wollemia nobilis
Wollem Araucariaceae
Proving as external link

Wyethia helenoides
Poison Weed
Wye Asteraceae/ Compositae
Proving as PDF