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Polytrichum commune

Plantae -> Bryophyta -> Polytrichopsida -> Polytrichales -> Polytrichaceae -> Polytrichum commune

SubstanCe Abbreviation Systematics
Polytrichum commune
Common haircap moss
Polytr-c Polytrichaceae

Adiantum aureum; Gemeines Widertonmoos, Gewöhnliches Widertonmoos, Großes Haarmützenmoos, Common hair moss, Great Goldilocks


Resources  (underlined names are direct links)

DHU, Arcana, Zinsser, Remedia Homöopathie

Please take notice of our explanation regarding substances under the heading "Substances Introduction" in the menu on the left side.

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Arzneimittelprüfungen ausblenden provings

is not known to us at the moment, not yet published or nonexistent

Hide taxonomy Taxonomy

Plantae - Plants Bryophyta - Mosses Polytrichopsida Polytrichales Polytrichaceae - Haircap Mosses
Polytrichum commune (Polytr-c)
Common haircap moss

More substances of this family:
Count: 3

Atrichum undulatum
Atrich-u Polytrichaceae
Polytrichum formosum
Polytr-f Polytrichaceae
Polytrichum juniperinum
Polytr-j Polytrichaceae

Hide bibliography Bibliography
