Mineralia -> Anorganica -> Elementa et Composita -> 2. Ordo secundarius -> Mercurius -> Aethiops antimonialis
SubstanCe | Abbreviation | Systematics |
Aethiops antimonialis |
Aethi-a | Mercurius |
Sb2S3+HgS+Hg+S, Hydrargyrum stibiato sulfuratum, Mercurius antimoniatus
Helios, Remedia Homöopathie, Gudjons, Freeman´s, DHU, Ainsworths, Schmidt-Nagel | ||
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Mineralia - Minerals Anorganica - Inorganic Compounds Elementa et Composita - Compounds and Elements 2. Ordo secundarius - Zinc-Group Mercurius - MercuryAethiops antimonialis (Aethi-a)
More substances of this family:
Count: 35
explanationHiÖ 2/04, S.13: Zeiler, Herbert 

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