SubstanCe | Abbreviation | Systematics |
Apis mellifica Honey Bee |
Apis | Apidae |
In early homeopathy there was no differentiation made between Apis, the remedy from the whole bee, and Apisinum, the bee poison. | ||
all | ||
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Allen, T.F. (collector)

This is a link to Allen´s Encyclopedia online, which has collected material until 1879
Hughes, Richard (Editor)

This is part of "A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis" by R.Hughes, 1886-90, which tried to collect all provings done until that date in full text. Hughes was the collector, the proving authors of course were many different ones.
Bradford, T.L. (collector)

This is a link to a file containing Bradford´s Index of Homoeopathic Provings, nearly all provings until 1901.
Animalia - Animals Arthropoda - Arthropodes Insecta - Insects Hymenoptera - Ants, Bees and Wasps Apidae - BeesApis mellifica (Apis)
Honey Bee
More substances of this family:
Count: 14
Substance | Abbreviation | Systematics |
American foulbrood American foulbrood |
Amer-foul | Apidae Nosoda Paenibacillaceae |
Apis mellifica / Apis regina Queen of bees |
Apis-reg | Apidae |
Apis mellifica / Cera apium Bee´s wax |
Apis-cera | Apidae |
Apis mellifica / drone Drone of Bees |
Apis-dr | Apidae |
Apis mellifica / Gelée Royale Royal Jelly |
Apis-gel | Apidae |
Apis mellifica / Mel apium Honey |
Apis-mel | Apidae |
Apis mellifica / worker Worker of Bees |
Apis-wo | Apidae |
Apium Virus / Apisinum Bee´s Poison |
Apisin | Apidae |
Bombus hortorum Garden Bumblebee |
Bom-h | Apidae |
Bombus pratorum Early Bumblebee |
Bom-p | Apidae |
Bombus sylvarum Wood Bumble Bee |
Bom-s | Apidae |
Cera tecti mellis apium Honey Cappings |
Apis-ce-mel | Apidae |
Mel cum sale Honey with Salt |
Mel | Apidae |
Propolis apis mellificae Bee-glue |
Propo | Apidae |
explanationAHZ 1/04, S.14: Hör, Klaus Roman 

AHZ 1/04, S.20: Krebs, Johannes 

AHZ 1/04, S.23: Krebs, Johannes 

AHZ 1/04, S.25: Friese, Karl-Heinz 

AHZ 1/06, S.13: Kruse, Sigrid 

AHZ 1/06, S.17: Kruse, Sigrid 

AHZ 1/06, S.23: Lucae, Christian 

AHZ 1/06, S.25: Lucae, Christian 

AHZ 1/11, S.22: Baur, Roland 

AHZ 4/01, S.144: Krebs, Johannes 

AHZ 4/04, S.170: Schramm, Hans-Jürgen 

AHZ 4/05, S.139: Bleul, Gerhard 

AHZ 5/02, S.181: Friese, Karl-Heinz 

AHZ 5/06, S.213: Krüger, Christiane P. 

AHZ 5/06, S.236: Bleul, Gerhard 

AHZ 5/12, S.6: Albrecht, Daniela 

AHZ 6/03, S.281: Sonnenschmidt, Rosina 

AHZ 6/03, S.283: Sonnenschmidt, Rosina 

AHZ 6/09, S.18: Bündner, Martin 

AHZ 6/94, S.263: SHAH J 

AuS 1/13, S.5: Payrhuber, Klaus 

AuS 2/2008, S.15: Zauner, Bernhard 

Bitschnau-Gynäkologie, S.134: Droege, Henning 

Bitschnau-Gynäkologie, S.316: Bitschnau, Michaela 

Bitschnau-Gynäkologie, S.692: Bitschnau, Michaela 

CC 91, S.220: MORRISON R

CC 91, S.220: MORRISON R


DH 2, S.343 

DH 24, S.47: Baltacis, Bettina 

DH 8, S.83: Stenzel, Anton 

DtJfHp 2/94, S.173, 174: STIEGELE A 

Falldarstellungen ... (Stefanovic, Aleksandar), S.202

Falldarstellungen ... (Stefanovic, Aleksandar), S.63

Folia 4/04, S.15: Korbach, Guido 

Frass-Intensivmedizin, S.369: Bündner, Martin 

Frass-Intensivmedizin, S.377: Rajendran, Edacheril Scaria 

Frass-Intensivmedizin, S.464: Glück, Walter 

Frass-Intensivmedizin, S.567: Bündner, Martin 

Götter Zauber und Arznei, S.395: GAWLIK W 

Götter Zauber und Arznei, S.448: GAWLIK W 

Gudjons aktuell 2-9/12, S. 41: Hofmann, Thomas 

HESS, S.752 

HiÖ 1/06, S.20: Flick, Reinhard 

HiÖ 1/06, S.24: Hajek, Michael 

HiÖ 4/2000, S.17: Heger, Daniela 

HomLinks 1/11, S.48: Maher, Patricia 

HomLinks 1/11, S.56: Kalathia, Ghanshyam 

HomLinks 2/09, S.106: Smith, Patty 

HomLinks 2/93, S.11: DIMITRIADIS 

HomLinks 2/96, S.67: SHAH J 

Hp.Sch./ST, S.163: BT(ST) 

Hp.Sch./ST, S.164: BT(ST) 

Nash 100 Fälle, S.2: Nash, Eugene B.

Nash 100 Fälle, S.4: Hawley

Nash 100 Fälle, S.4: Hawley

Nash 100 Fälle, S.5: Nash, Eugene B.

Nash 100 Fälle, S.7: Wesselhoeft, William P.

ZKH 04/12, S. 172: Lehrke, Philipp 


ZKH 2/01, S.63: Randeria, Jashed P. 

ZKH 2/94, S.77: SINGH H 

ZKH 3/94, S.97: EICHLER R 

ZKH 6/00, S.251: Pareek, R.S. 

ZKH 6/00, S.253: Pareek, R.S. 

ZKH S1/05, S.42: Wika, Ewa 

Homoeopathia viva 2/10, S. 3-5: Schweser, Thomas Homoeopathia viva 2/10
Zentrale Aspekte des Arzneimittelbildes von Apis mellifica.

Homoeopathia viva 2/10, S. 7-10: Eickhoff, Petra Homoeopathia viva 2/10
Fall einer Jugendlichen mit nervöser Unruhe, juckendem Hautausschlag, Kopfschmerzen, Traurigkeit und - hilfreich zur Arzneifindung - akuten Halzschmerzen mit den apistypischen Modalitäten und Empfindungen.

Vorträge und Seminare zu Apis
Arzneimitteldarstellungen und Fälle zum Anhören/Anschauen auf CD/MP3-Download/DVD